We all enjoy making improvements to our homes and yards. However, remember that any changes to the exterior of your house or yard must be approved by the WVHOA Architectural Control Committee (ACC).
Such changes can include (but are not limited to) landscaping, new exterior paint colors, sheds, patios and decks,
fences, and any free-standing structure in your yard (e.g. gazebos, flag poles, water fountains, sculptures, etc).
Getting ACC approval is simple! Submit a request form to Antares Property Services, and you will be contacted if any additional information is required. All reviews are completed and approvals returned within 30 days of receipt of the request.
The goal of the ACC is to protect property values by establishing high standards for our neighborhood. The ACC has the authority to remove any unapproved improvement to a house or yard, and charge the homeowner for
any incurred costs. The best way to avoid this scenario is to obtain ACC approval before any improvements are started.