There are no assessments or special charges to residents within the Neighborhood Improvement Project neighborhoods. However, property owners having septic tanks will be required to connect to the sewer system once improvements are completed. The project will provide a sewer connection point at the property line. Property owners will be notified once the sewer system is accepted by the regulatory agencies. Remember, you have a one (1) year grace period to connect to the sewer system. Owners will be responsible for meeting the Broward County requirements for work done on their private property.
Financial assistance is available to residents who meet very generous state and federal income eligibility requirements. You may call Broward County’s Office of Environmental Services (BCOES) at (954) 831-0965. Your requests are then forwarded to the Housing and Community Development Division. Your contact person at Housing and Community Development Division is Millie De La Cruz (954) 765-5336.
The following is the process for applying for financial assistance for costs associated with connecting to the sewer system.
1. Call Office of Environmental Services (BCOES) at (954) 831-0965 to request the Notice of Availability of Sanitary Sewer Services Letter.
2. Call Millie De La Cruz at (954) 765-5336 to complete the pre screen form.
a. You will give: Name, address, telephone number, social security number, etc.
3. You will receive by mail, a 10 Day Pending Letter to which you are to respond letting Ms. De La Cruz know if you are still interested in receiving assistance. This is not a strict 10 Day period; there is some wiggle room.
3. Please start compiling the needed documents:
a. The initial letter from Public Works Department – Notice of Availability of Sanitary Sewer Services/NCCNIP BP2
b. Most recent pay stub covering one month (for all adults in the household)
c. Last 3 months Bank statements (All pages)
Social Security or Pension Award Letter
d. Last 2 years of Tax Returns including W-2
e. Social Security Card and Birth Certificate for each dependent
f. Child support documents or Divorce Decree
g. Copy of Warranty Deed
h. Copy of most recent property tax bill (Proof that it has been paid)
4. An appointment with a counselor is set for you. Take all of the above documents with you. The counselor certifies you for grant or deferred loan if you meet the criteria.