Dangerous Waste Permit -- Bonneville Power Administration
Draft permit available for public comment
The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 10, have each tentatively decided to issue a waste storage permit to the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) for its Ross Complex (called BPA Ross throughout this information sheet). This facility is located at 5411 NE Highway 99, in Vancouver, Washington.
If finalized, the permits will allow BPA to continue to store dangerous waste, which includes federal hazardous waste, (dangerous/hazardous waste) at the Ross Complex. The draft permits include requirements for receiving and managing the waste at the storage unit. They also include changes to operating procedures that will increase protection to human health and the environment.
The Ecology permit contains the bulk of the requirements, while the EPA permit focuses on two specific areas: requirements to control or reduce air emissions and to reduce how much waste BPA creates. Ecology?s permit covers most of the requirements because EPA has authorized the state?s dangerous-waste program to be carried out in place of most of the federal hazardous waste program.
The public's comments are due November 27. See page 2 for more information.
Ross Complex background
October 2000
The Bonneville Power Administration generates and transmits electricity throughout the Pacific Northwest. BPA Ross serves as a control center for these activities. BPA Ross also receives dangerous/hazardous waste generated at BPA sites in the region. BPA Ross stores waste, consolidates waste, depressurizes and drains aerosol cans containing waste, and recycles wastes generated on-site.
In general, BPA Ross manages wastes related to its operations and to maintaining equipment. The variety of waste streams includes: 1) solvents and combustible wastes; 2) painting-related wastes; 3) miscellaneous wastes such as capacitors with toxic fluids (no PCBs) and battery electrolyte; 4) wastes from laboratory analyses; 5)??mercury-containing wastes; 6) wastes from the garage, such as motor oils and antifreeze; 7) other oils, such as lubricating, hydraulic, turbine, and compressor oils; and 8) photography and photocopying wastes, such as inks and developers.
BPA Ross is operating its storage unit in the HazMat building under "interim status." This status is available to facilities that existed before they became regulated by the Dangerous Waste Rules, Chapter 173-303 WAC. "Interim status" allows a facility to continue operating while it and the regulating agencies complete the process leading to a final permit decision. Both state and federal regulations require a facility having interim status to submit a detailed permit application for their "final status" permit. The application provides site-specific information on the design and operation of their waste storage unit.
BPA proposal
BPA is asking to continue its current operations. If the permits are approved, BPA will continue to store the same types of wastes it has received for years. BPA?s storage capacity will remain at 31,240 gallons. The facility will continue to accept waste generated only by BPA at sites throughout their service area. In addition, BPA proposes to continue recycling some wastes they generate at the BPA Ross site.
Draft permits
The permits include requirements for receiving and storing dangerous/hazardous waste and for controlling air emissions from recycling activities. They also include changes to BPA Ross?s operating procedures that will increase protection to people and the environment.
State Environmental Policy Act
Ecology, as the lead agency for compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), has determined that an environmental impact statement (EIS) is not needed. Ecology issued a determination of nonsignificance (or DNS) for this proposal on October 9, 2000. In determining that an EIS is not needed, Ecology reviewed, and adopted, an environmental assessment prepared by BPA.
Ecology and EPA welcome comments
The comment period on Ecology?s and EPA?s draft permits, and on Ecology?s DNS, runs from October 12 to November 27, 2000. To receive a copy of Ecology?s draft permit, a detailed fact sheet describing the draft permits and the agencies? permit decision processes, the SEPA determination, or more on the permit process: Contact Janet Rhodes at (360) 407-6708 (voice) or (360) 407-6006 (TDD), or at one of the addresses listed below; or Visit Ecology's web site at
For a copy of EPA?s draft permit:
Contact Jan Palumbo at (206)553-6702 (voice), (email),
or at: US EPA Region 10 - WCM-121,
1200 6th Ave
Seattle, WA 98101.
To submit comments to EPA and/or Ecology, send or deliver them to Janet Rhodes at:
For letter or e-mail:
Department of Ecology
Hazardous Waste & Toxics Reduction Program
PO Box 47600 Olympia, WA 98504-7600
e-mail address - :
For hand delivery:
Department of Ecology
Hazardous Waste & Toxics Reduction Program
300 Desmond Drive,
Lacey, WA 98503
To be considered, comments must be postmarked or received (by e-mail or via hand delivery) by November 27.
The most effective comments are those in which the commenter:
Provides specific information describing what condition he or she believes is inappropriate, and Provides ideas on what would improve the permit.
Responding to comments
Ecology and EPA will consider and respond to all written comments submitted by the public, agencies and the applicant and to any public testimony received during the public hearing, if one is held. After considering the comments and testimony, each agency will make its final decision, or a new tentative decision, on its permit.
To review information
You may review information Ecology and EPA used to make their decisions to issue draft permits, and on Ecology?s SEPA DNS, between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., at one of the following locations:
Department of Ecology
Hazardous Waste & Toxics Reduction Program
300 Desmond Drive, Lacey, WA 98503
Contact: Janet Rhodes, see above
BPA Ross Complex
5411 N Highway 99
Vancouver, WA 98663
Contact: Elaine Stratton at (360)418-2554
Possible public hearing
If there is significant public interest in the draft permit, Ecology and EPA will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, November 14. To request a hearing, or to request special accommodation for the hearing, contact Janet Rhodes by phone, letter, or e-mail by November 7. If there is no interest, then Ecology and EPA will cancel the hearing.
To find out if the public hearing will be held, contact Janet Rhodes after November 7. If the public hearing is held, it will be at Ecology?s Vancouver Office, 2108 Grand Blvd. There will be an open house from 7 to 8 p.m. followed by the hearing at 8 p.m. At the open house, visit with staff from Ecology, EPA, and BPA to learn more about BPA?s storage of waste and the draft permit.
For more information Please contact Janet Rhodes at the address and phone numbers above. To be on a list to receive future mailings regarding permitting (or changes to permits) for 1) the BPA Ross facility only; or 2) facilities statewide that manage dangerous/hazardous waste, please also contact Janet Rhodes.
Department of Ecology
PO Box 47600
Olympia WA 98504-7600
Information on draft permits issued for public comment
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