West Rudisill Association
Minutes for meeting of January 9, 2009
Attendance: Nichter, Thompson, Sack, Mauer, Dillon, Houtz, Houtz and Carmody
The evening began with a discussion of the effect on the neighborhood by the Christmas ice storm.
Discussion on the redevelopment of Rudisill Boulevard followed. It was noted the current version of Cultural Landscape plans to “calm traffic” on Rudisill include reducing the boulevard by one lane and making a middle turn lane with bike paths on both sides of the street. It is believed this will slow traffic to make our area more of a neighborhood.
It was also noted that there will be no round-about at Rudisill and Broadway. A motion to support the Cultural Landscape overall combination (tree planting, save sidewalks, three lanes instead of four, and bike lanes) passed unanimously.
A discussion of a street tree planting was held and it was decided to contact City Planner Tom Cain as to which trees would be best to plant. It was also decided to try to coordinate the tree planting with the Cultural Landscape outline for the redevelopment of the Boulevard. Motion on trees to be planted. Passed.
This year there will be new sidewalks for a certain number of house numbers paid in part from CEDIT funds while a resident’s share can be paid through a Barrett Bond. A question was posed as to whether a price reduction on sidewalk improvements might be gained due to the large number of projects along the Boulevard. It was questioned whether it was possibly get other bids from alternate contractors to compare to city prices. It was also discussed whether sidewalks could curve around trees?
Concerning further development of our website it was decided to let Jay Platte work on it. Vivian Carmody volunteered to help with the project and offered ideas of software and purpose. A discussion of marketing the neighborhood followed.
*Thanks to Susan Thompson and John Nichter for hosting our meeting in their lovely home.
The next meeting with be February 20th, a Friday, at the home of Jim Sack, 902 West Rudisill, beginning at 7pm. Please bring something to add to the table. The meeting will begin at 7pm. We should have reports then on the redevelopment of Rudisill, tree plantings, sidewalk work and more.