As a follow-up to our September meeting, during which Technician Mike Simpson presented crime statistics for our neighborhood, and in response to recent e-mails from concerned neighbors, the Washington Park East Neighborhood Association will have a ?“town meeting?” on crime prevention. Commander Pat Flynn of the District 3 Police will be present. The meeting is scheduled on Thursday, November 11th at 7 PM in the South Parlor (upstairs) of the Washington Park United Methodist Church at 1955 E. Arizona Avenue. If you are interested in being part of a task group to help get the word out to neighbors about prevention strategies, or just interested in learning more about what is effective in preventing crime, we hope you will come to this meeting. In addition, Jason Gilmore of the Denver Public Schools Communications Department will discuss the events scheduled at All City Stadium (at South High School) and will talk with neighbors about their concerns. Please join us on the 11th!
On October 1st, several concerned neighbors and WPENA Board members attended a meeting with Commander Pat Flynn, Sergeant Mark Crowley, and Councilman Charlie Brown at the new District 3 Police station. We were presented with the latest, detailed statistics about crime in our area. We need your help. One of the most frequently stolen items from motor vehicles is CDs. Why risk having your car broken in to? Remove ALL belongings (laptops, purses, golf clubs, shopping bags filled with goods, CDs, and other items) from sight or preferably from your car altogether). Never store valuables in your car. Always report all incidents to District 3 Police (911 in case of an emergency; 720/913-2000 for car dispatch).