P O Box 1233
Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33311
November 13, 2003
Our meeting opened at 7:40pm with the Lord?’s Prayer.
W K Habbersham questioned why people couldn?’t come to the park earlier than noon. Warren Powers said the posted hours of noon to eight were due to people sleeping and selling drugs in the park.
Eugene had the surgery and will be in the hospital for about another seven days. Saturdays in the Park is a fundraiser for maintenance of entranceways, Sunshine Club, flyers and operating funds. Randy from Tator Town donated all the fruit for our Saturday in the Park for November. Mrs. Jiles suggested having each street take a month for Saturdays in the Park. They would be in charge of the activities, talent show etc. If each street raises $100.00 we would be able to use some of the money to put back into the community for scholarships etc. We need to get the children who are doing well in school to tutor other children that need help. Yvonne said we want to get everyone involved in the neighborhood. Mrs. Jiles was a Master Teacher and everyone signed up for her class. She still has materials she purchased while teaching that she would donate to the Park for the tutoring program. Attendance at the African American Library has decreased and we need to use the Library more. It was suggested that Warren get with the Urban League to provide transportation for the children to the Library. Yvonne suggested having workshops for the Parents to help them with raising their children. It takes a village to raise a child. Some of the children do not have respect for themselves or anyone else. We plan to meet in January and come up with plans to assist the parents.
The Christmas party will be on December 11th at Franklin Park from 6-9pm semi-formal attire. We received a donation from A Storage Place for $50.00 for the Christmas ceremony.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm