March 27, 2009
Is anyone else out there angered by Cal Am Water once again going to the CPUC for increases in our water rates?
If I am reading their website correctly, they are askingincreases of 51% for 2010 and 10% for 2011. Outrageous. The only reason I can figure out that they continue to ask for, and are approved, these rate increases is that WE don't protest and say NO. I also think they will continue to do this until we do say NO MORE. So do we say NO now or wait and say NO after we are paying much more for water.
There are two community meetings scheduled to discuss this issue. They are:
March 30 @ 7 PM - Isleton Community Center, 210 Jackson Blvd., Isleton AND
April 8 @ 7 PM - Florin Community History Center, 7245 Fletcher Farm Dv., Sacramento 95828