Hello neighbors,
One of our residents had a great idea and I wanted to put it out there to see if we can get some interest. We would like to organize Friday Happy Hours. They will take place every Friday and we would have sign ups for hosting. This is just a fun way for us to gather for a couple hours to kick off the weekend. Here is how it works;
A different person will host each Friday. To host, you can just click on a Friday on the calendar and announce that you will host. Then, whoever is available will show up. Everyone should bring either an appetizer and/or a favorite drink. It's important that everyone try to host if you can so it doens't fall on the same people every time. I'm thinking it should be a simple, fun night with maybe a 5-7 or 5-8 time frame and people just show up when they can. No pressure to have to scour your house or create a bunch of food. Keep it fun and light. It's a great way for us to get to know all the new neighbors ( and vice versa) and to just catch up. Let me know what you think!