need help

Posted in: Texas

Hello, I hope there's someone there in Fort Bliss that can please help me with some questions.  I am in desperate need of finding good schools for my 3 children im sure they will each be going to different schools one is in HS, Middle, and Elem.  I am so scared I will end up putting them in a not so good school because Im from Fay NC and yes there are plenty of bad schools but thank goodness I have found one of the best to put them in here.  Also if anyone knows of good neighborhoods please help we are moving to Texas at the end of Jan and I feel so lost I can't believe the army doesn't set everything up we have no where to go when we get there and I will have to get on the ball fast for my children. Also I would like to be close to the base  Thank you any info will help..

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  • totzaon
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Arlington, Texas
  • 168 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Howdy from Arlington, Texas. I would suggest you call the chamber of commerce in the town you are moving and request a infromation packet be mailed to you and ask about the private school in the area. The packets give you all kinds of information about business in the town, reality, a list of numbers for all the utility companies you might need to contact, some have neighborhood captains that will welcome you to town and tell you about the area. My son was in basic training there 5 years ago. I wish you luck. If you are looking for a military school for high school, there is one in South Texas, Harrington, Texas that my husband graduated from and he is a the best man I ever met. Luck to you and welcome to Texas. Kim Hawley

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