Some updates on Myers Park and East Meck Assignment process
September 22nd (Tuesday): 20th Day of School (official enrollment count day).
September 22nd (Tuesday): Report to the Board on boundary/student assignment discussion options for East Meck/Myers Park high schools and Eastover Elementary.
October 1st (Thursday): First community meeting to discuss student assignment options for East Meck/Myers Park, held at East Meck HS, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
October 6thth (Tuesday): Second community meeting to discuss student assignment options for East Meck/Myers Park high schools, held at Myers Park HS 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
October 27th (Tuesday): Board meeting ‐‐ report to Board outlining boundary/program recommendations.
November 10th : (Tuesday): Board meeting – 1) Public hearing on boundary recommendations. 2) Action Item for adoption of boundary/student assignment recommendations.
Note: First and second community meetings will provide the same information.