September 29, 2010 Minutes
Westhaven Commons HOA
Board of Directors
Meeting opened at 2:00pm.
In attendance:
Theresa L., and, Lucille M, .
Purpose of meeting:
Board Meeting with Omni and Attorney Tom Murray Jr.
Major Concerns: Collection of past due assessments
*Discussion-What percentage of the past due homeowner fees would Westhaven receive
and how much attorney fees would Westhaven have to pay?
Outcome -After discussion, it was decided that we this would be discussed at a future
meeting with the entire board. It is unknown how much Westhaven will be
Charged by the attorney.
*Discussion- Should leans be placed against homeowner properties that are in arrears?
Outcome - Leans will be placed as a last resort.
*Discussion- Selection of new attorney
Outcome- Attorney Murray is under consideration..
*Discussion- Attorney Murray met with the board at no cost to us.
The meeting adjourned at 3:15pm
Theresa Lester, President
Lucille Moore, Secretary