Westcliffe Homeowners Association

Should Dues be higher?

Posted in: Westlake
Speaking of idiots....

Do you have any suggestions on how the Neighborhood Association could collect dues owed by the idiots of Westlake? Do you also have any suggestions that the Association could use to help turn Westlake neighborhood into a flourishing neighborhood like Northlake?
Just asking for a little help

What would you suggest a good course of action would be to take against the homeowners that choose not to pay their dues? I also pay my dues and get a bit frustrated by those that don't.
By what measure are you using to determine that the money we spend each year is not being utilized efficiently?
I do feel like the board should represent the neighborhood, but I do think they would appreciate input from the residents. I don't think the board would mind calling on lawns or streets, but I do think they would value and appreciate homeowners letting them know about concerns or issues. I don't think they have the time to keep track of every house in Westlake. There are 9 board members and something like 257 homes.
Maybe there needs to be clarification on what the board is responsible for to end the misunderstanding and the griping about what people are doing or not doing.
If you are indeed working to make Westlake a better place then bravo for you and I wish we had more neighbors like you.
Increased dues?

I've lived in this neighborhood for 18 yrs. When I 1st moved in the dues were $75. I was on the board for 3 yrs so I knew then the large number of people not paying their dues. I have a slight view of the lake but what I really appreciate is the upkeep on the entrance and common areas; especially after seeing other neightborhoods that have deteriorated because they have no HOA. I do know that raising the dues will not encourage the payment of delinquent dues. I also realize that the cost of doing business does increase. My thanks to the board members for their service. I think the webpage and forum discussions are great.

By Karen

I think that it's pretty sad that we all live in the same neighborhood, and all want the same thing, and then when someone gives their opinion or their view of what's going on you have some rude person come up with a reply to another's message by titling it ''SPEAKING OF IDIOTS''. I think that shows you how intelligent the person who wrote that message really is, and you know who you are. I feel that this is a website that gives us an opportunity to slowly become closer together and let everyone throw what they have to say out on the table. The problem is that there is too much opposition, and not enough understanding. I feel that the people getting involved in these discussions are the ones who do have an interest in making this neighborhood a better place. This website could really be used to get many more involved that would never come to a meeting, so I personally don't think it's too bright to attack another's view.

By Bugsy
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