The Phoenix City Council has approved a new ordinance regarding motorized play vehicles as coaster, scooter, skateboard or any other alternatively fueled device or motorized vehicle that is self propelled by a motor or engine. Those that include motors gas or electric, a deck to ride on, and at least 2 tandem wheels in contact with the ground are also illegal.
This means that after January 3rd, 2005 if you see any of these on any public street, sidewalk or park (any public land) that it is against the law and should be reported to crime stop at 602-262-6151. Penalties for breaking this new ordinance will be at a hefty rate of $250 dollars. Juveniles will be treated the same as adults regarding this issue.
If you would like more information regarding this ordinance you can contact Terry Sills, Traffic Education and Safety Unit, at 602-495-0964 or