Westpoint Neighborhood Association

FEMA Flood Insurance

Posted in: Westpoint
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  • bj&bv
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor
How many people have been forced to purchase flood insurance because of the new flood maps? Are these people aware that some of the maps are incorrect? It is my understanding that the flood insurance rate you pay is based in the probability that your house will flood. If your property is in a designated flood hazard area, but if your home is well above the floodplain elevation the insurance rate you will pay for flood protection is much less then if your home is below that elevation. Chances are without a FEMA Elevation Certificate your mortgage lender will require you to purchase insurance based on a worst case Situation. The cost of a typical elevation certificate ranges between $375 and $700. Depending in the length of your loan, the cost of an elevation certificate may be worth the money.

I paid a surveyor to generate a certificate to verify that the house was NOT in a flood prone area. Sent this to FEMA and they lost it. - Still paying for lender placed flood insurance.  uugghh.

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