Westwood Neighbors

City of Phoenix Parks

Posted in: Glen Canyon Vista


On May 20, 2008, City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Director Sara Hensley addressed the Roosevelt District Neighborhood group. One of the concerns discussed was increased presence of Park Rangers, and enforcement of park rules and regulations at Hance Park. Ms. Hensley made reference to plans to reduce Park Ranger's appearance and authority by making changes to patrol vehicles and uniforms. These decisions are being questioned and argued by the Park Rangers.

It is believed by the Park Ranger staff, the changes that are being considered would make Park Ranger's abilities less effective in providing service to the community. These changes would also cause safety concerns for the Park Rangers, by reducing a necessary image and presence needed to deal with issues that exist at City of Phoenix park areas. Park Rangers rely heavily on the tools and training they have received over the years to effectively handle legal issues pertaining to the Phoenix parks and preserve areas.

City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation staff recently received the following e-mail:

As many of you know, on May 20 Phoenix voters overwhelmingly approved the continuation of the Parks and Preserve Initiative. With 83 percent approval, the vote showed how important the parks and preserves are to Phoenix residents and the trust they place in our stewardship and management.

Many of you may get questions from residents and community groups about how the measure's passage will affect improvements and projects at their local parks. You can let them know that we're planning a comprehensive full-scale public input. The public will be able to weigh in through public meetings, surveys and e-mail comment forms. This input, along with comprehensive needs assessments, will be used to form concrete recommendations that the Parks Board and City Council will consider and ultimately approve. Also, the ordinance included stipulations for the continuation of the Citizens Oversight Committee, so that Phoenix taxpayers can continue to closely monitor the program.

If you have community groups anxious to get started on this process, they can use this interim period to form their own consensus about their priorities for their areas. If anyone needs more details on the Parks and Preserve Initiative, please have them contact Cynthia Peters at 602-262-4997.

The City of Phoenix Park Rangers ask for your support in relating to the Phoenix Parks and Recreation Administration, the need to reconsider changes to this valuable group of men and women. We recommend providing any input you, as members of your community, wish to provide.

Thank you,

Phoenix Park Rangers 

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