Next open WHNA meeting is on Monday, November 8 at 2000 Utah Avenue. At the home of Cari Hatcher 952-546-0459.
There will be NO December meeting.
January meeting is yet to be determined.
Discussion: It was decided that Block Captains will hand out a Directory update list for their blocks along with the October or November Wire and request neighbors to call, e-mail or return updated info to the Block Captains.
Marge volunteered to work with Heidi/Loren on a flier to inform Block Captains of how to update their block lists.
Action items:
Person responsible:
Susan Kaufman and Suzanne Litchfield added to Block Captain list.
Heidi Wheeler
Kim Opitz Immediate
Marge to work with Loren/Heidi on Block Captain flier. Marge Prohofsky
Deadlines for Block Captains to receive Wire and delivery
Deadlines published in Wire. Article deadlines also listed. Heidi/Loren Wheeler Oct. Wire
Barb Morrison
Discussion: Barb will call Buck Hill for Sleigh Ride info.
Barb will check with the Nature Center to find out if/how we can use their space.
Possibility of renting a heated tent and offering ice skating on Westwood Pond was also suggested.
Action items: Person responsible: Deadline:
Sleigh ride costs Barb Morrison Nov. 8
Nature Center usage Barb Morrison Nov.8
Heidi Wheeler
Heidi and Loren’s computer crashed and they cannot receive e-mails as of 10-6-04.
Heidi needs articles submitted to her at NOT her old e-mail address.
OLD BUSINESS: Deadlines for article submission was discussed/decided and will be printed in the Wire.
OLD BUSINESS: Delivery to “snowbirds” was discussed. Loren can offer e-mail delivery to “snowbirds” and can inform them in the Oct. issue about how to set that up.
5 Extra copies of the Wire and fliers should be included for each Block Captain to eliminate the problem of running out of copies for the Block Captains and other neighbors.
Discussion focused on the concern about the length of the Wire. Could better editing help?
It may be too long to expect people to read every month.
Could we have delivery every other month? Especially with winter weather approaching?
Two people approached Heidi Wheeler at the Fall Social with newspaper experience and offered to help.
Action items: Person responsible: Deadline:
Biography needed for Wire NormaWolk ASAP
Location of WHNA meetings advertised on front page of Wire. Marge Prohofsky Ongoing
Information for the Wire must be submitted to: Everyone Ongoing
(1) Will Leslie Ellis print WWhills notepads?
(2) How is Norma keeping up with info/help? Norma Wolk
Discussion: (1) New Neighbor: Leslie Ellis will donate printing of Westwood Hills notepads with logo design from Cari for New Neighbor baskets. Included in the basket will be city info, stores, maps, Neighborhood Directory, Wire, and a handful of candy.
New Baby: Leslie will print a Welcome Home logo on cardstock to attach to a baby bottle ($1.50/each) with WHNA, name and date of birth on it. Bottle will be filled with coffee beans or jelly beans (no pink or blue jelly beans are available individually). A onesie with WHNA on it will also be in the basket/attached to bottle.
(2) Norma needs to enlist help in getting pictures taken, baskets put together and delivered.
NEW BUSINESS: Mitch and Laura ? (Susan Kaufman will confirm address) have a newborn.
Conclusions: Board and Block Captains need to e-mail new neighbor/baby info to Norma Wolk at
Action items: Person responsible: Deadline:
Norma will get new WWHills logo to Leslie Norma Wolk
Norma will forward info to Heidi Wheeler for Wire issues.
Norma Wolk Ongoing
Basket donations will be advertised in Wire for drop-off at Jill Koritz’s house at 1648 Utah Drive South.
Marge Prohofsky Oct. 20
Dawn Plender
(1) Receipts (about $395 + cookies) will be submitted for reimbursement through our neighborhood grant allowance.
We collected $60 in donations at the door.
Need to confirm with Loren according to updated checks on Directory list how many people attended.
We estimated around 50 adults and 50 children.
There were new neighbors in attendance at the social.
(2) It was suggested that a brighter box be used next time for donations.
It was suggested that the Jr. High was too big for the Social, rooms were too far apart.
There was not enough supervision of children in the gym by adults. The older kids helping out were
not effective in keeping order or organizing the young children.
½ - ¾ of the coffee was dumped at the end.
½ of the cookies (unopened packages) were donated to STEP.
Bruce noted that the kids drank the Apple Juice cold. We had 4-5 containers leftover.
Most adults drank the hot apple cider.
Popcorn and cookies were good snack items.
(3) The History Panel was well received by those attending. Not many adults attended for the entire time.
The panel had hoped for a younger audience. Loren Wheeler taped the panel to submit to public
access cable tv. Follow up in the Wire with a summary article was suggested.
(4) Refreshments: Starbucks donated the coffee and need a thank you written.
Shari Frank the apple cider with hot beverage cups and needs a thank you written.
(5) Advertising: It was suggested that the next time fliers are sent out, that they be folded in such a way, that the title, “WHNA Party” shows, to eliminate the confusion between the advertising fliers that people automatically throw away.
Action items: Person responsible: Deadline:
Submit receipts Dawn Plender, Loren Wheeler ASAP
Confirm attendance from Directory checks/update list Loren/Heidi Wheeler ASAP
History Panel discussion tape submitted to public access tv Loren Wheeler ASAP
Donation Basket Michelle Shapiro Oct. 2
Thank you article published in Wire to Dawn and Michelle for writing the grant received by WHNA from the city of SLP. Shari Frank Oct. Wire
Loren Wheeler
OLD BUSINESS: Leslie Ellis to print the Neighborhood Directory with a cardstock cover and the House logo that she will use on the New Baby cards. There 320 households to confirm in WWhills.
We hoped to update the directory at the Fall Social. We want to have Block Captains follow up with neighbors that are not identified on the Directory list after the Fall Event.
Action items: Person responsible: Deadline:
Flier list of names/phone/e-mail per block for Block Captain follow-up. Marge Prohofsky Oct. 20
List of Neighborhood Directory names for verification/changes from Fall Event. Loren Wheeler Nov. 8
Discussion: Bruce Siegfried is interested in co-chairing this committee with Kim Meredith. He has suggested that a playground be built at the entrance to Westwood Hills Nature Center.
Marge Prohofsky gave Bruce the report compiled by Emily Hendricks.
Conclusions: Kim Meredith will make up an “ad” requesting interested persons to join the committee.
Person Responsible: Deadline:
Kim Meredith Oct. 20
Discussion: Free website at has been updated by Marge Prohofsky. It has some interactive features.
Conclusions: Info for webpage needs to be submitted to Dave Arago at