WildTree Homeowner's Association

Waste of Money

Posted in: Amberwood North
Re: Don't berate neighbor

After reading the comments going back and forth here, I personaly don't believe Don was trying to berrate a neighbor. But, I have known Don as a neighbor for a length of time, this is not his nature. The only thing he is trying to communicate is that the comments posted by J.V. are coming at a late stage regarding this neighborhood project. The signage project has been in the works for nearly five months and was voted on by the neighbors that have been actively involved with this. Communication about the signage project have been openly spread to all residents via the neighborhood newsletters, this website (i.e. see meeting minutes for May 9, 2006) and at our regular monthly neighborhood meetings. It's just tough to hear that there is discord over a project when there has been so much opportunity for neighbors to voice their opinion in one form or another, before the grant was applied for.
From my perspective, as neighbors it is my hope that we will have civil discussions and disagreements without insulting each other. Frankly, J.V. is calling a large number of his/her neighbors ''ridiculous'' and ''out-of-their minds''! To say that ''NOBODY cares about these signs'' is incorrect. Of course J.V. is certainly entitled to his/her opinions as we all are. It's great to see more people speaking out and getting involved with issues. Does anybody have ideas on how to improve the communication among neighbors in the future?
Speed Humps

I agree with you about Covance, not about the signs. If you live on any of the following streets: Mesquite, Palomino or Hartford there are people currently working to get speed humps on these streets. In fact the process to get speed humps is posted on this website. It's alot of work and you have to get many neighbors to agree to it. Check it out.
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Its still a waste of money


I am not sure where to start with this. I guess in my opinion, spending Thousands of Dollars on a few signs that in your opinion will raise Neighborhood spirit and will show us pride to live where we do is nonsense.

I do not need a sign to make me feel proud where I live. We live here because we chose to. Since we choose to live here, we should already have Pride of Ownership, Neighborhood Spirit and pride of our entire neighborhood. I am not sure what your expectations will be when the signs are put in. I just don?’t think right now its money well spent.

There is a reason why right now I don?’t think it is money well spent. There was an Amberwood Committee Meeting held on December 21, 2005. Here is the link to the meeting minutes. http://www.neighborhoodlink.com/pdf/nhextra/559970528/105835147/569595547.pdf

On the second page near the bottom is a section entitled ?‘Neighborhood Issues?’ In this article Judith Garner, from section 1, moderated the group discussion to list the ?“top 10?” ISSUES that the Amberwood Neighborhood Committee will start to work on. The active members decided upon the following ?“Top 7?” Issues, and here they are:

1. Disturbing the Peace
2. Alley Issues
3. Traffic Issues, Speed Enforcement
4. Code Compliance
5. Street Maintenance
6. Chandler Police Patrols (beefed up)
7. Amberwood neighborhood signage

So I guess the Neighborhood Committee thinks that Items 1-6 are well taking care of.

On the street where I live, we still have problems with speeders, alley issues and the police patrols are few and far in between. While the committee has been working on this sign issue, we have done nothing about the issues the committee felt were most important.

I just finished talking to my neighbor next door to me. I asked her about the monument signs and she agreed right away with me. She also brought up great point that who decided that the signs are right for the community in the first place? Was there a vote? If so, how many people showed up to vote and what was the count how were in favor as to the number who opposed it. If there was not a vote, there needs to be one before any other further action takes place on this issue.

I am not, and will not let a small handful of people make decisions about the neighborhood in which I live.
By the way,
I and probably many others would like to know how much money we will be taking from the City of Chandler Grant Funds.

Keep Reading

J.V. If you read everything that is posted on the website so far, all of the meeting minutes and all of the Town Hall meeting recaps, etc. You'll find the answers for many of the questions you are posing to Don.
The neighborhood has actually been working on all of these issues to date and will continue to work on them. Hope you will join us.
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