Do you have a neighborhood watch near you? If you do I would like to hear from you, and the location of the watch. I ahve seen many neighborhood watch signs but no activities on these watches. I'am dedicating myself along with a few of my neighbors to the neighborhood watch. We are very active here in Biddeford Maine. We just don't help fight crime, we involve kids in fun activities, fundraising for different things getting a softball team organized and so much more. You see it's more than just a neighborhood watch it's an Adventure and very rewarding. I'am hoping to make this neighborhood watch a sucessful one and a Network for others to come to me and say can I get involved! Ask me how and we'll guide you. Check back often as you will see the continuating delevopement of our Neighborhood Watch.
You may also contact me for further information. We know they're are many neighborhood watches out there but just not noticed or active. I want to create a list of national neighborhood watches contact me and let me know what state and city you see a neighborhood watch sign.
You're welcome to contact me also.
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