In our Neighborhood ''BriarChase @ Hambledon'' it isnt rare to see these new Miniature Motorcycles which seem just as Loud and annoying at the BIG one zipping down Daehne on thru Reindald. They are often riden by teen and not really adults at all. I thought I heard that they are Illegal to ride on or that that they are meant really for Older people(which is crazy because what adult fits on them). Anyway My point is that they are often seen riding in 2's side by side. I've come upon them driving into my Sub from Briarchase on to Daehne and these kids just seem to act like they are another Vechicle with the Right way. I never see Adults everye supervising these kids. Are they or arent they allowed to be rode in the streets is my question and if not Whom do we contact about a complaint.
By Patricia M
By Patricia M