Willoughby Station

To the President

Posted in: Hickory Hills
Recently we had damage to our pools and it was mentioned to me, by a pool monitor, that the association was considering a security camera solution. This does not have to be an extremely expensive proposition and I'm curious of the status of this proposal. WE NEED IT!

Secondly, I want to make you aware that the adult pool was extremely nasty this weekend and I, and two other homeowners (Dee and Nicki) cleaned the bottom of the pool manually with the skimmer net. It seems that at least two days the pump was not running. I was informed yesterday that this occurs frequently when the vent at the bottom gets stopped up and not cleaned. You should also know that I attempted to infrom the pool monitor at the family pool of the problem, but he kept leaving the premises off and on so much that it was impossible to get his attention. The upside down beer bottles and piles of leaves should have been addressed when the phantom ''pool cleaner'' / monitor arrived that morning or sometime during the weekend. Please consider docking the company we hired as monitors / cleaners, and put it toward my dues for doing THEIR job.

Thank you for your time

By Bobby
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