Land Scape Inspection Guidlines

Lots should be free from:
Anything which contributes to nuisances, hazards, or unkempt appearances
Peeling paint, corrosion, mold, mildew, or wood rot greater than one square foot
Accumulated trash or debris
Fallen, dead, dying, damaged, or diseased trees or shrubbery
Stagnant pools of water
Broken, inoperable, or severely damaged fences, gates, signs, fountains or other structures
Uncut or overgrown grass or weeds
Dead grass patches greater than one square yard
Severe erosion
Unkempt mulch beds with visible patches of dirt
In accordance with neighborhood covenants, owner maintenance obligations include, without limitation:
Prompt removal of all litter, trash, refuse, and waste
Lawn moving on a regular basis
Tree and shrub pruning
Watering landscaped areas
Keeping improvements
Exterior lighting in good repair and working order
Keeping lawn and garden areas alive, free of weeds, ant hills and attractive
Keeping driveways in good repair, repair exterior damages to improvements