Hi Neighbor! Summer is almost over and we need to plan for fall and winter!! Join your neighbors at the next general meeting of the Willow Glen South Improvement Association. We need YOU to meet with your neighbors to help make this the best community in the entire area.
Date: Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Time: 7 p.m.
Where: Milford Mill United Methodist Church Parsonage House
* Report on National Night Out
* Discussion of ideas and issues from neighbors
* Report on C.O.P. volunteer recruitment
* Discussion of traffic and the need for speed bumps
* Collect annual dues if you have not already paid.
($25.00 per household). Make checks payable to the WGSIA.
Bring your dues to the meeting or mail to: P.O. Box 5863 Pikesville MD 21208.
We need your support!
If you have any questions or concerns call
Mary Trueheart, president, at 410-653-9313.