Wilmington Manor Gardens

Letter to anonymous posters (4)

Posted in: Bayview Manor II
Post (4 of 4) - Continued

For those of you that think I?’m being hypocritical about posting anonymous messages while posting this one anonymously, my response is that if it?’s OK to anonymously post some of the pure bullshit that I?’ve read in this forum?… then how can it be wrong to post the truth in the same fashion? Tell you what; if someone posts something here that is blatantly based on convenient half-truths, incomplete information, and spin-doctoring and has the balls to sign their real name to it, then I will have no problems posting an appropriate reply using my real name.

Anonymous post or not, for future reference, do us ALL a favor, the next time you decide to post something here, check your FACTS first and then write about THE FACTS. Why, you ask? Because when we have all THE FACTS, then we can discuss them like INTELLEGENT adults and eventually come to LOGICAL conclusions that aren?’t based on FAULLTY assumptions. Anything else is at best a waste of everyone?’s time and at worst could literally tear this community apart.

Signed: ICanBeAnonymousToo

PS: We do need a new lawn /landscaping service, our current one basically isn?’t cutting it ?– no pun intended.


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