Wilton, Sect. 10, Phase II Assn.

Weeds in the Calming Circles

Posted in: Bayview Manor II
Could any one from the board tell me why the calming circles look the way they do? When you come into our section of the community and see the calming circles with weeds that look like bushes that turns potential home buyes away. There are several homes for sale and potential buyers would be turned off the appearance. First impressions of a community goes along a way when selling a home. Is Fresh Cuts still our landscaper and if so shouldn't the calming circles be maintained by them? It is pretty bad when a neighbor pulls the weeds from the calming circles that possibly the landscaper should be doing. And our home owners fees pays the landscaper. What is in the contract regarding the scope of work for the landscaping?

By Linda
Traffic Circles

The traffic circles have been in limbo ever since there was a disagreement between the developer and D.O.T. We have been contacting the developer concerning this and the other landscaping issues but haven't resolved these matters yet. As individuals in our community; we might want contact our State Senator and Representative to voice our concerns with these issues.

By Kevin
Thanks for some feedback


Thanks you for responding to a message on behalf of the Board. I have submitted multiple emails and posts but have gotten nothing back from anyone on the Board. I guess this in an ''indirect'' response. I have offered my assistance in this matter and questioned the status for over a month now without getting a response.

The Board was elected to take care of the maintenance, but if you are having difficulty in getting results, why not ask for assistance from the community sooner? 10...20...50 voices are stronger than one. According to the May newsletter, it seemed like some issues were being taken care of soon, but from your statement it seems like issues are still unresolved.

What should we tell our Representatives? What are the ''landscaping issues?'' There has been very little communication from the Board to the individuals in the community. If someone could elaborate on what ''issues'' you are trying to resolve and who has been contacted, then the community can have a united voice. It wouldn't be too effective to contact a Representative with conflicting statements or inadequate information.

By Brian
Common Ground

I have sent emails to Valerie Longhurst our state representative on August the 5th and haven't heard anything back from her concerning issues in the community. I also, sent an email to several board members concerning the common ground between our community and the apartment complex formerly known as Breaver Brook on July 26th without a response. Now it is August 25th and this coming Tuesday will mark 4 weeks since the grass was cut.
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