Greetings Neighborhood Watchers!
A resident near Building # 7 reported this on Tuesday, July 25!
"As I was entering the property after work this afternoon at around 4:00pm, I
saw a man on a bike entering our cul de sac as well riding a bike and carrying
an auto license tag with him. It looked suspicious. He opened the trunk of a
car in front of building #7 and took out some tools and sat in the car doing
something for a bit, maybe he lives there, I dunno. Then he walked over to
another nearby car that has been sitting in our lot for MONTHS gathering cobwebs
and changed the tags from one to another. I called the cops and a cop came to
my door. The man was gone by then. I gave a description to the cop and he said
that he would run the tags to make sure that they matched the cars. He was gone
within minutes so whether he actually did that or not, I have no idea.
No formal report was filed. But, I wanted you to know that we should continue to
report little things like this even if there is a chance that it is only a
resident. If it look suspicious, it probably is...around here, anyway. If
someone can break into a condo in the light of day, they can also steal
someone's car just as easily."
As a tip, if you call 911 or the police non emergency # and use the work "suspicious" your call will take a slightly higher priority (told to me by a police officer!).
Thanks to this resident for reporting this! We aren't sure if there was any actual foul play, but this is very suspicious!!!!
Important Windhover information!
Your Neighborhood Watch coordinators!
Justin Hammond Dorothy Henderson
6003 Windhover Dr 6017 Windhover Dr
407-408-6527 (cell) 407-351-3181