Most recently our trash pickup has not been too consistent. One week having a pick up in the am, the next after 7pm and then missed altogether. Diane Clark of CCM worked with BFI to establish a set timeframe for our trash pickup. Our schedule is between 7am and Noon each Friday.
If there is a holiday that week, our pick-up day will be Saturday. Please, if there is a Holiday do no to put your garbage out on Thursday. Wait until Friday evening if we have pickup on Saturday.
Also, attention needs to be given to those who overstuff your trash bins or pile boxes around your bins. All boxes are to be broken down and placed inside your trash bin. If there is not enough room, break them down and place in your recycle bin. Soon BFI will refuse pickup of bins or leave boxes piled around your bin.
If you simply have too much garbage for a weekly pickup, you can contact the company below to obtain Extra Trash Tags.