Women-inMotion Inc

Discussion Guidelines-PleaseRead

Posted in: Windhover Condo Neighborhood Watch
  • Stock
  • nex1
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Orlando, FL
  • 2 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
Please keep in mind, the Neighborhood Link Website is not an official representation of Windhover or Windhover management. This website is a free service which anyone could have started. Neighborhood Link is not an appropriate forum to discuss problems or issues which require management's attention. Windhover management and or board members do not necessarily monitor the site nor will the appropriate person be able to respond to a problem you have. Please contact the Windhover office directly if you have an issue which needs attention. Neighborhood Link is an informal gathering place for the Windhover Community. Inappropriate content will be removed if deemed necessary and you will be asked to contact the correct group or person (office manager, board of directors, landlord etc).
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