Young parents in Wood County aged 19 and under can:
* Make friends with other moms and dads their age.
* Learn how their baby grows an changes
* Learn to cope
* Learn how to deal with a toddler who constantly says ?“no?”
Parent/Infant and Parent/Toddler groups will be available. Both groups meet once a week for ten weeks. In addition to CRC, meeting locations will include Penta Career Center, the Perrysburg YMCA, and a location in North Baltimore which will be announced.
There is a minimal, sliding-scale registration fee.
Though Young Moms and Dads participants are usually 19 and under (children are 4 and under), CRC offers other groups for parents over 20.
Instruction and support for young moms and dads is also available in a home-visit format.
For more information or to register, Contact Children?’s Resource Center (1045 Klotz Road, Bowling Green) at (419)-352-7588 or toll-free, 1-888-466-KIDS.