Woodlake Estates

September 2006 Woodlake Window

Sep 14, 2006

The Official Newsletter of Woodlake Estates
September 2006 edition

Welcome New Neighbors!

Please help us give a warm Welcome our newest neighbors:
Curtis & Toni Baker and Robert (18), Logan (8) & Taylor (6) at 2501 Weymouth Place,
Dennis & Patricia Burgess at 2820 Weymouth Court,
Shelby Kretzschmar and Nick Kretzschmar at 2525 Weymouth Way.

Neighborhood Events

1. Yard of the Month: We had another successful season, with increased publication by the Norman Transcript and The Oklahoman! Thanks to Cleveland County Master Gardeners and all those who kept yard maintenance and beauty a high priority, even during the terribly dry summer season! We only wish we could have recognized individually, all of the beautifully maintained yards throughout the neighborhood. Thanks for doing us proud in the eyes of Norman and all of Cleveland County! Repeating the 2006 Winning Yards: May: Shane & Melissa Wilson at 2820 Weymouth Way, June: Tony & Dianne Walde at 3000 Weymouth Way and July: Dean Williamson at 3017 Weymouth Way.

2. Woodlake Estates was again recognized on National Night Out...The Oklahoman and the Norman
Transcript were present to document and publish our WEHA Ice Cream Social in August. We
were also paid a visit by Norman Deputy Fire Chief, Jim Bailey, representatives from the
Norman Police Dept., our Ward-6 Councilman, David Hopper, State Representatives, and also
Super Target promoters who presented promotional gifts. It was a great opportunity for all of
the Woodlake neighbors present to pose questions and learn how Woodlake Estates fits into the
city?’s improvement plans, including our access concerns and scheduled street work.

Photo attached to this file:
Jennifer Newell, David Hopper, Jim Bailey and Officer Sherman
at WEHA Clubhouse August 1, 2006 for National Night Out

3. September is National Preparedness Month. Check our website community pages for the latest
information and links, for everything you need to know for a safe and protected family and home!

4. Our October Children?’s Costume Party still needs help from parents and teens: This is one of Woodlake Estates?’ most popular gatherings for children and parents alike. Please contact our Coordinator, Shauna Sanders at 366-8539, or any board member to participate!

5. An early reminder: The City of Norman Fall Clean Up for our neighborhood is set for?…
Saturday, October 21st.

Neighborhood News / Issues

1. With the pool season coming to an end, we still need help in monitoring use of the area, to insure
cleanliness and safety for all. Please remember to re-lock the gate and the bathroom-access door
when you leave the area. Also please report malfeasances immediately to the board, including
unauthorized use by outsiders and clean up after yourselves and your children (especially the
bathrooms). Lastly, remember that children under 14 years old must be accompanied by an adult.

2. Neighborhood Watch: We are still seeking Block Captain volunteers. It is not hard or time-consuming...just necessary. Please contact Jeff, and find useful information in the community pages on our website. And remember, you can always contact this board with any concerns, under full anonymity.

3. With the fall season approaching...we remind folks adjoining our common areas, especially those
adjacent to the drainage behind Weymouth Way to bag your yard debris and place it on the street
for Monday?’s city disposal. Any debris thrown over back fences is unlawful and will add to
mosquito infestations in our creek and pond area. Thank you for your help and understanding here!

4. We continue to remind our homeowners of the problems with street parking and cars parked
overnight outside of garages. Help us deter theft, damage and congestion by using your garage for
your cars. Neighborhood aesthetics also comes into play here. Please cooperate when possible!


1. Please join us in thanking Jennifer Tromble for volunteering for the position of Auditor to the
Treasury. This position is necessary to insure our adherence to lawful procedures and to maintain
WEHA?’s status as a legal corporation. We also thank our Treasurer, Clara Jeffrey for her good work
on the Board of Directors and for going above and beyond her stated duties, by helping coordinate
the recent and ongoing work on the clubhouse doors.

2. A hearty thank you is also in order for Doreen Torgerson, for working with the Board and
Committees through the month of July, during Jeff?’s business absence.

3. A brand new Normanite has arrived among us! Congratulations to new Parents Angela
and Leslie Garrett, on the 9/02 arrival of baby Grace Elizabeth!

4. And finally, we congratulate our neighbor Greg Mashburn on his successful campaign and election
as the new District Attorney for Cleveland, McClain and Garvin Counties!

5. Have you checked our website? http://www.neighborhoodlink.com/norman/woodlakeestates
Log on for constant updates and important information about what?’s going on in Woodlake Estates, or
to pass on concerns you may have in the ?“Talk About It?” section. Also see the city and schools links.

6. Lose a watch? One was found near the pool. Contact Deb Carlson.

Contact information for the Board of Directors:

President Jeff Torgerson 3036 Weymouth Way 366-6020, (c)410-8674
Vice-President Bob Franzese 2549 Weymouth Place 321-6018
Treasurer Clara Jeffery 2528 Weymouth Way 360-4719
Secretary MariLyn Beaney 2821 Weymouth Court 329-5230

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