Woodland Oaks Homeowners' Association

Garbage Can Creep

Garbage Can Creep

Apr 06, 2002

By Roy Theetge,
Covenants Committee Chairperson,
Village of Westcreek Owners Association

Editor?’s Note. This article was originally written for the residents of the Village of Westcreek. Unfortunately, it also applies to some residents of Woodland Oaks.

Have you heard of it? No, it?’s not some old character hanging around the trash container. And no, it?’s not overtaking the Macarena as the latest dance fad. But it does seem to have become a fad in its own right. Here's how it evolves. First, a lone garbage can starts hiding behind a bush or brick column, or maybe lurks just around the corner of the garage. Then, one night, it decides to get a better view of the neighborhood and so takes up position on the driveway. Other cans soon take note of the freedom experienced by the trail-blazer, and start following the example. Before long, the neighborhood is being overrun by a gang of rogue trash cans terrorizing the humans who dare venture into the street.

Okay...maybe it?’s not THAT bad. But the containers sitting outside the fence or garage detract from the attractive appearance that we strive to maintain. Our CC&Rs require that nothing be stored visibly on the front of the property except on a temporary basis. For trash, ?“temporary?” generally is held to mean on the day of pick-up (currently Tuesday and Friday) only. Some residents have developed a routine of setting the trash out late on the previous night, which is fine as long as garbage is in covered containers (to keep stray animals from making a mess overnight) and it is indeed late (9 a.m. on Sunday does not qualify as ?“late?”). However, more and more we are seeing trash piled on the curb Sunday mornings and in a few cases Saturday evening for a Tuesday pick-up. This is not acceptable by the standards of the CC&Rs.

To stay within the accepted rules of the community (and avoid letters from the Deed Restrictions Committee), here is the guideline to follow. Place trash outside, on the curb, on the morning of pick-up. If your morning is such that you absolutely must place trash out the night before, then continue doing so. This should be the exception rather than the rule. All foodstuffs absolutely must be in covered containers. If you have trash but will not be home on pick-up day, ask a neighbor to help out (then return the favor another time). Finally, because some residents do not read the newsletter completely, please show this to you neighbor who continues to not comply with the standard (or make a copy and tape it to their container lid). Thanks for your help.

Posted by HOHA_84 on 07/25/2017
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