Woods at Jefferson HOA

Sept 13th topic

Posted in: Woods at Jefferson
I know there are a few topics on the meeting agenda. One of the topics I think needs discussed is the possible dissolusion of the HOA. Lets face it, a HOA really is meant for a Condo community. Right now the only thing that the HOA is really doing is cutting the front. When it's the property owners responsibility to cut and care for it. When the City issues orders to cut it, they go to the homeowner. Why are the residents of the community paying to have someones yard cut? Not only that, if that resident tells you to get off his property, you MUST! Like it or not that trespassing.

I don't like to be abrasive, but a HOA does not serve a housing community well.
On the Contrary...

First I'll address the front grass part.

Yes, the owners of those homes are responsible for the grass, all the way up to waggoner road.

But I think of it this way. That area looks really nice, and well cared for, mowed uniformily, regularly maintained, fertalized, etc... If we were to leave it up to the home owners to do their part, each section would be mowed differently, fertalized on different schedule, it will end up looking like a bunch of patchwork.

This is the first part of the neighborhood folks see when they drive by, if we want to attract new homeowners to move into the vacant homes in this neighborhood we do not want the front end looking ill-maintained.

About the HOA in general. They do much to enforce our deed restrictions, IE Barns, above groud pools, trash pickup, and other city code enforcements.

They follow the proper steps to ensure that the easement areas are mowed, that homeowners are following the neighborhood rules for building etc...

Without someone to enforce the code, the neighborhood would get out of hand. I am sure you don't want rusted out sheds in everyone's backyard, tall grass in all of the vacant homes, sidewalks falling apart, above ground pools, and all other things that make the neighborhood look trashy.

Having a HOA to help maintain the neighborhood is good for our community, and helps maintain/grow our property value.

I've been in neighborhoods without HOAs, and found commercial vehicles parked in the street all week long, rusted out cheap sheds, and all sorts of things. I saw this when I was looking for a home, and felt the neighborhood was just trashy. I came here because it seemed like the people really cared about the value of their home and property.

Personally I'd like to keep it that way.

By Ben Buxton
a bit more info

Ben, a small bit of info that you might not know about me. I AM a Code Enforcement Officer for Columbus. Technically, WE are the ones who cite the things you talked about (Sheds, Sidewalks, grass, etc). I work with many HOA's, that's my job.

Now, a HOA can take a person to small claims court for a deed restricion violation. Remember this though. The HOA has to pay for court cost up front. Then, IF the HOA wins (which doesn't happen all that much) they can recoup that cost. Quite honestly, if the homeowner gets an attorney that knows what he is doing, the HOA will loose. When the City Cites something, it's not a deed restriction, but it's LAW! Everything we cite are criminal violaions. So, what I'm telling you and what I have told our HOA is that Deed Restrictions aren't worth the paper they are written on. I have tried to work with our HOA in the past. All my advice was taken in vain. If you check into it now, all the HOA does is write down stuff and calls the Code Officer for our area. In your past areas, the reason it gets like that is that homeowners arent' willing to call us or don't know to call us.

Another point. As far as sheds and stuff like that, the developer (MI) adds that stuff into the deeds incase homeowners try to build something while they are still in the community. So the developer will get paid for building anything. Above ground pools? Why would anybody have a problem with these. Thats just petty. As long as they are in good shape, who cares. Once again, Code Enforcement cites for rundown stuff. If there are commercial vehicles in the street, call the police. The code for that is 2151.21 and that vehicle can be in the street for no more than an hour. Same with trailers, campers, etc.

So, taking all that into account, the only thing left is the grass. Yea, it might not look as nice as you would want it. However, I'm not going to pay to have someones grass cut. Especially when I cite people for not cutting grass. See my point! Once again, that homeowner can have you arrested for trespassing.

Now, what does our HOA do? You tell me.
Other value added benefits.

What's wrong with above ground pools, sheds, and other things like that? Personally, I think they look trashy, I've seen neighborhoods with rusted out sheds, and all of the things mentioned. I just don't think they add anything but an eyesore to our community.

I respect your difference of opinion, but I believe that our HOA adds a good benefit to our community, including the park GTGs, community clean up days, and landscaping projects.

If you don't like it, don't participate, it is no skin off my teeth, but I believe that our HOA does a pretty good job of building our community.

By Ben Buxton
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