When you have an issue the place to start is on the website of the business or individual. Go to the contact page and express your concerns. The contact page is where you start to make things happen. We have added a contact page here at Work For Life Brigade. We would like for you to become a contributing participant to making better days starting here in Houston, Texas
Make things better in 2010. Find a job. Bring in more money. Help someone bring in more money. This site is about people helping people. Contribute articles, and information to this website. You only need to follow the rules of neighborhoodlink.com. See the FAQ
START TODAY BY CONTRIBUTING TO WORK FOR LIFE BRIGADE. WHAT BETTER WORK IS THERE THAN HELPING OTHERS TO DO BETTER. Go to "Sign in" on the home page to begin. THE COMMUNITY OF MANKIND NEEDS THE BEST WE EACH CAN GIVE. Give of yourself. You can do it. I know by reading the discussion the posters have the mind to create. The time is now to use what you have been afforded by the creator. Use your mind for good. Create and make good happen for others.
How will you be helping today?
Provide a job for someone
Find a job doing something to help a business make money
Provide a service or a product
Contribute to this website
After you Sign in, let me know you are on board at Work For Life Brigade
yes@nowthatiknowit.com Register here on neighborhoodlink.com and began to add material.
See the "Information Page for a list of immediate needs. Thanks for responding. I look forward to seeing
more pages on the site. I'll be back tomorrow!