Wortham Oaks Security Committee Meeting Minutes
January 16, 2009, 7 pm
I. Call to order @ 7 pm
II. Members present
a. Trey Harris
b. Kelli Harris
c. Bill Charlton
d. Gilbert Gonzales
e. Maria Villagomez
f. Doug Juckett
g. Kinsey Spence
h. Garry Backeberg
i. Raul Esquivel
j. Lisa Esquivel
k. Alison Guerrero
l. Jorge Guerrero
m. Dan Potter
III. Business
a. Discussed recent break-ins and robberies
b. Sheriff’s Department has been contacted by Trey Harris to increase surveillance
c. Discussed starting neighborhood watch
i. Alison will check into what’s entailed for starting watch
ii. Trey will check with HOA to see if it will pay for needed equipment
d. Start Phone Tree to be used to check with/notify neighbors for suspicious activity around their home
e. Starting Watch Patrol
i. Wearing neighborhood watch t-shirts for visibility
f. Surveillance cameras
i. Types and services-Trey will follow up
ii. Fees-will HOA pay
g. Gates creating false sense of security
i. Sheriff stated statistics don’t show drop in crime for gated communities
ii. Keeping Evans gate on KB/Wall side closed during the day to limit access to residents with remotes
h. Wortham Oaks stickers for resident’s vehicles
i. Let committee know if you’re going to be alone or out-of-town so we can watch your residence
Wortham Oaks Security Committee Meeting Minutes, page 2
i. Report suspicious activity to Sheriff’s Department via 911 or non-emergency number at 335-6000
k. Next meeting will be February 13, 2009 at 7 pm, Trey & Kelli’s home
IV. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm
Kelli Harris
Kelli Harris
Committee Secretary
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