Worthingrow Estates

HOA meeting

Posted in: Big Bear Farms
I was not able to attend the HOA meeting last night. Any news of significance? Who is the new Trustee?
Great meeting

The trustee's meeting was very informative. They discussed the budget, the challenges they have faced, and the ones they have yet to face (mainly the Powell Road entrance). They need help with neighbors signing up for their streets to get other neighbors to sign a petition to put up stop signs on Big Bear Avenue. If anyone is interested, they should contact Annette Meil Singh. They discussed the problem with nobody wanting to volunteer to help and need people to step up to the plate. Only 6 people showed up to the meeting. Martin Smith is our new trustee.

By Sheila
No To Stop Signs

Perhaps no one ''stepped up'' to help with the stop sign initiative because no one wants stop signs!!

Just a thought....
Lisa Dills error

I called Lisa at the property company and she said the meeting was Wednesday. When I asked if she was sure, she said, ''positive.'' Maybe that's why only a few people showed up. Makes you wonder.
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