Wrigley Association



An Effort To Bring Peace To Our Neighborhoods ~~~

Date: Saturday, September 27, 2008
Time: Clean-Up 10:00am to Noon~Block Party Noon to 3:00pm
(Sponsored by the 6th District Council Office)

Location: 2100 Block of Earl Avenue/between 21st St. and Hill Ave.

Hosts: LBPD West Patrol Division and Community Relations, South Wrigley Neighborhood Advisory Group (NAG) and Wrigley Association.

Our Co-sponsors: Honorary Chair: First Lady, Nancy Foster; 1st, 6th and 7th District City Council Offices, Jim Lewis of The Long Beach Rescue Mission and our Hosts invite you to join us for a fun-filled day on Earl Avenue. This is the third of our quarterly events encouraging peaceful and productive relations amongst neighbors and the Long Beach Police Department.

After the Clean-up there will be a Block Party with Mobile Rec Equipment including the skate/bike ramp, hula hoops, teather ball, basket ball courts, games and arts and crafts. There will also be face painting, a bounce house, a fire truck by LBFD and Fingerprinting of youth by the Police Explorers as well as the 2030 Van. Free Hot Dogs, Juice, Chips and Popcorn will be available. A valuable resource section with information on city and private services will also be provided. Music should get everyone up dancing!

This event would not be taking place without the generous support of the following Long Beach City Departments and Entities: 1st, 6th & 7th Dist.

Council Offices; LBPD West Division Patrol and Community Relations/Youth

Division and Neighborhood Watch; Neighborhood Services Bureau; Neighborhood Resource Center; Wrigley CPC; Public Works; Code Enforcement; North PAL; Parks, Rec and Marine; Special Events & Filming; Wireless Communications; RDA; Development Services; Environmental Services; Fire Prevention Bureau and Community Services; Dept. of Health & Human Services; Childhood Lead Poisoning Prev. Program; Human Dignity Program; Youth & Gang Violence Prevention Task Force; Weed & Seed Strategy; City Prosecutors Office and LBTV 8.

Support from the private sector is also appreciated: L.B. Rescue Mission;

L.B. Firefighters Assn. Local #372; Percise Productions/BFLO Entertainment, Pacific Wind Arts; Carousel Party Supply; Peace Builders; West L.B. Assn; Stella & Alices Feed; Hashaway CME Church; Pacific Baptist Church; SAF; Graffitti Protective Coatings; Tacos Don Chente; Buono's Pizza; El Paisano Market; El Rey Bakery; Pho America and Starbucks.


(562) 595-6460




150+ Volunteers Turn-Out To Clean-Up & Take-Back 2100 block Earl Ave.



(Sept. 29, 2008) -- Over 150 volunteers blitzed the area in and around the 2100 block of Earl Ave. one block east of Pine Ave. b/w 21st and Hill Sts.) on Saturday morning (Sept. 27) for a neighborhood clean-up intended to "take back" the area and [release text] "encourage peaceful and productive relations amongst neighbors and the Long Beach Police Department."

We saw lots of young people...and volunteers ranging from elementary school kids to middle age adults.

The event was hosted the Wrigley Association, the South Wrigley Neighborhood Action Group (NAG) and LBPD's West Patrol Division/Community Relations with participation by various city offices. Co-sponsors included First Lady, Nancy Foster [who attended, though we missed seeing her]; 1st, 6th and 7th District City Council Offices and Jim Lewis of The Long Beach Rescue Mission

Event Coordinator/Wrigley Board VP P.G. Herman (pointing the way, below) says this was the third in a series of neighborhood clean ups (previous locations: Locust and Pine Aves. north of PCH).

Charles Wade, Youth & Gang Prevention Co-Chair Task Force (also with City's Weed & Seed program), and Sandy Stolpe, Deputy City Prosecutor.

LBPD West Division Commander Robert Luman (who attended the previous area neighborhood clean-ups).

NLB community advocate Dan Pressburg with LBPD Lt. Joe Levy.

We saw Councilman Dee Andrews taking time to commend as many young people as he encountered.

We asked Councilman Andrews about the Council's cut-off of funding to deal with the deficit, and he nodded and replied. "That won't stop the good work we're seeing here today. Just look at these young people! What we on the Council did isn't going to stop them or any of us. We'll just continue ourselves, doing what needs to be done on our own," he said.

Also present: LBPD Deputy Chief Robert Luna plus son plus wife plus sister.

Co-organizer Annie Greenfeld Wisner (below) says some of the larger participating groups included (not a complete list) Pacific Baptist Church, students from Cabrillo, Poly and Wilson High Schools, Grace Brethren Church and Boy Scout Pack 21 (group led by Sandy Stolpe, Deputy City Prosecutor in North Division).

This was just some of the junk that volunteers cleaned from the neighborhood's streets and alleys.

After the Clean-Up there was a special lunch for volunteers, followed by a three-hour Block Party with Mobile Rec Equipment.

In addition, there was a skate/bike ramp, hula hoops, tetherball, basketball courts, games and arts and crafts, face painting, a bounce house, a fire truck by LBFD and Fingerprinting of youth by the Police Explorers.

Ms. Herman said in a release that the event "would not be taking place without the generous support of the following Long Beach City Departments and Entities:


1st, 6th & 7th Dist. Council Offices; LBPD West Division Patrol and Community Relations/Youth Division and Neighborhood Watch; Neighborhood Services Bureau; Neighborhood Resource Center; Wrigley CPC; Public Works; Code Enforcement; Prosecutors Office; North PAL; Parks, Rec and Marine; Special Events & Filming; Wireless Communications; RDA; Development Services; Environmental Services; Fire Prevention Bureau and Community Services; Dept. of Health & Human Services; Childhood Lead Poisoning Prev. Program; Human Dignity Program; Youth & Gang Violence Prevention Task Force; Weed & Seed Strategy and LBTV 8."

So what happens now that the City Council has cut off funding for a lot of those programs to deal with a deficit? happens now?

"We'll try to self-fund as much as we can," said Ms. Herman, noting that some things like food and other items are donated. She acknowledged that other items would be a challenge but not a killer. "Never," she said.

Private sector support came from the LB Rescue Mission, L.B. Firefighters Assn. Local #372; Percise Productions/BFLO Entertainment, Pacific Wind Arts; Carousel Party Supply; Peace Builders; West L.B. Assn; Stella & Alices Feed; Hashaway CME Church; Pacific Baptist Church; Grace Brethren Church Boy Scouts Pack 21 & Troop 21; SAF; Graffitti Protective Coatings; Tacos Don Chente; Buono's Pizza; El Paisano Market; El Rey Bakery; Pho America and Starbucks.


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Posted by graeber on 09/30/2008
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