Can anyone fill me in on RHS senior trip this spring? Are they really going to Cancun?
I was told this by a friend whose son is a senior but will not be able to go due to the cost. Also was told that there will not be adequate supervision. The legal drinking age is 18. Kids drinking in a foreign country sounds like trouble to me..If this is all true,I would have serious reservations before sending my kid.

- stateman
- Respected Neighbor
- 16 Posts
Face it. If your kid wants to drink he doesn't have to travel to Mexico to do it. What is the (real) difference if he goes to Mexico or Florida? I have been to Daytona, Panama Beach, Myrtle Beach, Hilton Head, and Cancun (twice) for Spring breaks. I honestly felt the safest in Cancun. There are very few drunks on the road, since no one has cars, and it is a relatively small resort town. As long as your son behaves himself (without going over board - of course) he should be fine. Plus, if he is 18, let him make an adult decision.
still a kid
I know they don't have to go to Mexico to drink, but when kids are surrounded by friends,showing off in a foriegn country, drinking with little or no supervision--that is trouble. And yes--at 18-- they are still a kid!
And actually that is not what I asked. What I am wondering about is the kids parents that can't afford to send them somewhere like that. With senior pictures, graduation parties,class rings and everything else that goes along with being a senior. And if there are more children in the home, I am sure there are ones that can't afford it. And they will be left out.
I heard that they are going there just ''because they want to''. Sounds to me like a bunch of spoiled rich kids made the decision. Most kids do not have a full time job, or if they do, haven't had it long enough to pay for all they expect. So the burden falls back on to the parents.
I was just asking if this is what I have to look forward to when my kid is a senior.

- sue57
- Respected Neighbor
- 67 Posts
I thought
The days of the ''senior trip'' were long gone. Neither of my kids had them offered. My oldest one went on a trip to Spain with his Spanish club, but it was VERY supervised. There was one adult for every 3 kids.
That would be my main concern, too - not enough adult supervision. 18 years may be the legal age, but in a foreign country, losing control of your faculties is a very bad idea. At any age.
In 1975, my Lincoln Park HS class went to a ranch in the middle of Florida. I didn't go, but the ones who did never even got close to the ocean.