Feel free to contact any of the following officers for more information about the Wyndmere Homeowners Association. We welcome your suggestions and ideas for improving our neighborhood. If you have questions or concerns about our neighborhood, we're happy to listen and help.
Rich Buickerood, President
Email: zoodirector@sprintmail.com
1531 Wyndmere Dr.
Home: 972-230-4712
LaTambra Gibson, Vice President
Email: ms_giblo@hotmail.com
1305 Wyndmere Dr.
Home: 972-274-0624
Chuck Hummel, Treasurer
Email: cahummel@comcast.net
1508 Wyndmere Dr.
Home: 972-230-2347
Gwendolyn Johnson, Secretary
Email: dolynj@earthlink.net
1408 Waterford Ct.
Home: 972-223-3887
Earle Jones, Landscaping Coordinator
Email: earle-jones@comcast.net
1512 Registry Dr.
Home: 972-274-9180