Present: Charles Owen, Mark Osborn, Martin Rothman, Bob Davison, Billy Vincent, Aaron Walters for Vicki Welch, Linda Duncan, Murry Harral
Absent: Donnie Faulkner, Vicki Welch
Minutes needed correction on Aaron Walter's attendance in March. He was not present.
Treasurer's Report - $48,144.74 in bank as of March 26. Charles will call P&R to get grounds cut and trimmed.
Bob reports copper valves on sprinkler system were stolen; costs $100 to replace - did police report Water company will not charge for valve. Black box now covering.
Corrected minutes and Treasurer's report, moved by Murry; seconded by Bob; approved.
Old Business
Charles sent letters to 7418 York River Rd. to remind property owner that no structure changes can be made without the approval of the Board of Directors. Satellite dishes on front of property remain visible at 7418 York River Rd. and on Old Towne Rd. property. No restrictions violation, yet.
Erosion - Charles and Murry have pictures of further lake erosion. According to Ken George, he deeded the land beneath the lake to Yorktown North, with MSD assuming responsibility for the water by removing a flap that would have kept lake water separate from ditch and by charging all residents a third fee called a drainage fee that covers drainage into the retention basin.
Mark will check with his niece in Wyatt office to see if there is interest in interpreting MSD's responsibility for the erosion their water is creating. Steve Berg will be checking into the archives for further evidence that mSD advised Ken about putting curbs above the 100-year flood plain.
Seven No Trespassing Waiver signs have been purchased to put around the two lakes. Bob and Billy wil place these. This enables the police to arrest trespassers without having a resident there to grant permission.
Adjourn: 8:25 p.m.