Present: Charles Owen, Linda Duncan, Mark Osborn, Martin Rothman, Donnie Faulkner, Bob Davison, Bob Henry (for Vicki Welch), Christie Van Buren (for Carol Kidd)
Absent: Carol Kidd, Vicki Welch, Tim Hardy
The Minutes were read and approved, as was the Treasurer's Report (Donnie moved; Martin seconded; passed). As of February 22, we have a bank balance of $74,268.13.
Old Business:
New fence - 85% of the new fence around the front lake is completed. Bob moved and Donnie seconded the motion that we go ahead and finish the last 800 feet of fence running parallel to National Turnpike instead of waiting for next year's budget. Passed. Mark will contact Penrod and make arrangements.
Streetlights - Bob will contact LG&E to remind them many poles are still leaning.
Entrances - These will get electricity restored in April. P&R will be removing, transplanting, and planting new landscaping as soon as the National Turnpike sidewalk project is completed.
Trailers / boats parked in driveways; truck parked in yard - All directors are to call Metro Call and report these continued violations.
Linda called Steve Clark to request that MSD take another look at the erosion on the back lake. Linda also left Jill Allen a message. MSD is to get back with us.
New Business:
Tim Hardy resigned his position as a director. Alternate Bob Henry agreed to complete Tim's term, which ends this October.
New meeting day - Because Vicki Welch, as District 13's new Metro Council representative, will be unable to attend our Board's meetings on the second Thursday of each month, it was decided that we would move our meeting night to the third Thursday until further notice. Bob moved; Donnie seconded; passed. Our next meeting will be April 20.
New trees - We will decide later how to water 112 trees during June, July, and August.
Newsletter - Our April newsletter will be prepared by March 28 and delivered on April 1. Items presented will include the following:
Block Watch Meeting notice for April 6
Call police on sling-shot boy
Landscaping update
Trees and new fence updates
Reminder about scooters in streets and ATV's
Reminder about trucks parked in yards,trailers and boats in driveways
Streetlights leaning; call if lights not burning
Spring Clean-up Day in May for the back lake
Adjourned: 8:30 p.m.
Next meeting: April 20 - 7:00 p.m. - Epiphany