Present: Charles Owen, Carol Kidd, Vicki Welch, Linda Duncan, Donnie Faulkner, Martin Rothman, Bob Davison, Mike Kirchenbrod
Absent: Mark Osborn
Guests: Christie VanBuren, spouses of Directors
Minutes for November were held until January meeting, as was the Treasurer's report.
Old Business:
Winners of the Holiday Decoration contest were announced: First Place - Hamilton residence at 7317 York River Rd.; Second Place - Jenkins residence at 7317 York River Rd.; Third Place - Young residence at 301 Old Towne Rd.;
New Business:
The motion was made by Carol Kidd and seconded by Bob Davison that residents who failed to pay their dues for 2007 by December 31 would be taken to small claims court in January, instead of simply having liens filed against their property. The motion passed. Charles agreed to file the claims against the last group of homeowners who failed to pay their dues by the end of the year. That number began at 12, but has been reduced as residents received notice of what was to happen and paid their dues.
Adjourned: 9:30 p.m.
Next meeting - January 18 - 7:00 p.m. - Epiphany UMC.