Present: Charles Owen, Vicki Welch, Linda Duncan, Bob Davison, Martin Rothman, Billy Vincent, Mark Osborn, Murry Harral
Absent: Donnie Faulkner
Guests: J.C. Speagle spoke to us about various options for new signs. 20 polyurethene signs with aluminum poles est. at $300 each. Mark suggests sample signs be brought to next meeting so can see.
Bobby MacMitchen - There to request speed bumps across Sam, Old Towne, and York River Rd. Vehicles too fast, endangering all who walk or ride the streets. Must have agrrment from 80% of the neighbors. Vicki agreed to have police temporarily set up speed trap to remind speeders police are watching.
The Minutes for May were read and approved, as was the Treasurer's Report, showing we had a bank balance of $33,454.42 as of May 22, 2009. (Murry moved; Bob seconded - approved) Charles reported that a lien was placed on the last home owing dues.
Old Business:
Missing fencing at 502 and 504 Sam has been replaced; IPL had been called to check no fences around pools
Linda contacted Cynthia Kapek, Brightside landscaper - We will use her advice n ordering trees this fall for the lake land along National Turnpike.
Bob shared that hometown wants us to tell subscribers to use cans and not set out plastic bags of garbage to be picked up. Charles agreed to include their request in our newsletter near time for the Annual Meeting. Charles suggested we invite Hometown to our October Annual Meeting and have them explain their request
Annual Meeting on the church calendar for the third Saturday in August..
Murry moved to adjourn; Vicki seconded; all agree.
Next meeting - August 21, 2009 - Epiphany - 7:00 p.m.
Vicki will report to MSD a cave-in on the lakeside property of the pickle court owners
Lake Clean-up Day successful - 9 worked - tree debris also picked up by Brightside when they picked up the trash collected around the front lake.
New Business
It was reported that a registered sex offender lives on Declaration.
Vicki movd; Marty seconded that we cancel the July meeting ; approved
At 7200 York River Rd. the fence extends beyond the front corner of a neighbor's house. Charles contacted the attorney who will be sending the violator a letter reminding him of the neighborhood restrictions.
A banner is missing along National Turnpike - Mark and Bob will investigate