Yorktown North Maintenance Association

Minutes for Meeting May 12, 2005

Jun 01, 2005

Present: Linda Duncan, Charles Owen, Carol Kidd, Vicki Welch, Donnie Faulkner, Mark Osborn, Bob Davison

Absent: Tim Hardy, Martin Rothman

There was no Treasurer's Report for May
The Minutes from the April meeting were read and approved.

Old Business

Muskrats - Best bid so far - $489.00 flat fee to set traps on both lakes. Donnie will call Jack West with the Dept. of Wildlife; Carol will continue to get details for the flat fee offer.

Entrances - Bob will be contacting Tim about using his water to water the remaining plants on the Old Towne entrance island until the highway project is completed. Bob will be talking to the fire department about using the hydrant near the Sam entrance island to water those plants.

Bob has contacted the electrician to go ahead and install the PVC units at both entrances at an approximate cost of $875.

Bidding for landscaping the entrances and putting up and taking down the holiday lights will be opened in June, with selection to be made in August. A committee made up of Mark, Donnie, and Tim will be getting bids for the June meeting.

Back lake unclogged - MSD has unclogged this lake at the outlet to the big ditch.

Block Watch signs - 30 9" x 12" magnetic car signs were made by J.C. Speagle at a cost of $7.50 per sign. Linda will be giving these out to those BW Committee members who requested them for use on their cars as they do their "patrols."

Mark is ordering formal signs (corrugated plastic)announcing BW meetings, to be placed at both entrances a few days before the monthly BW meeting is to be held.

Bridge - Martin will be talking with Mr. Taylor about when he can order the materials and carry out our plan to put in a bridge on the front lake.

Chris Jesse's request for approval of a playhouse structure on his property was not approved since he had so many other unapproved structures already existing in his back yard. The committee handling this is to inform Mr. Jesse, in writing, of this decision and warn him that he is now vulnearable to a lawsuit from a nearby neighbor. We will also inform him that this playhouse has been reported to Inspectios, Permits, and Licenses for building code inspection.

Rocking the lake - Linda is waiting for Ron weston to set a date with State Rep Perry Clark to walk the lake with us and help us find some state money that could help pay for the rocking of the lake.

Block Watch Meeting May 5 - Minutes for this meeting are posted on our website. No new problems were reported. Additional committee members signed up for watch times. Those wanting magnetic signs for their cars signed up for those.

The June Newsletter, being put together by Carol and Tim, will be ready for distribution June 3 - 5.

New Business

Clark fertilizing / bug spraying services - Aaron Clark's dad will continue to treat our entrances as he has done in the past.

Vicki will open a charge account at Phelps Hardware on Southside Drive, to be used for the purchase of small repair items such as locks, screws, etc.

Linda suggests we put in a walking track around the front lake after the bridge is built. Fairdale High School's Heavy Highway Construction program could do the work and YNMA pay for the materials. Linda will be talking with FHS about the cost of such an undertaking.

Linda also suggests we replace the decaying split-rail fence around the front lake with the same four-rail fence that stretches across the highway-side of the lake. We will look into the cost of replacing this small sections at a time.

Adjourned: 9:10 p.m.
Next meeting - June 9 - 7:00 p.m. - Ramino's

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