Call to Order: The regular meeting of ZTNA was opened in due form by M. Cobb at Arvest Bank on the 24th day of March, 2008 at 6:30 p.m.
The minutes of the previous meeting (02/11/2008) were approved as read.
M. Cobb reviewed and discussed agenda as printed.
6:00 ?– 6:30 informal meet/greet
6:30 ?– 6:35 introduction of officers to attendees
6:35 ?– 6:45 Discuss GetMovingOKC fundraising opportunity, Treasurers report, discuss forming committees
6:45 ?– 7:15 Msgt. M. Loruse will talk about using 911/OCPD contact numbers
7:15 ?– 7:30 General questions & wrap up
Introduction of Officers and Attendees: Marjorie Cobb- President; Jared Heaton-Vice Pres.; Patti Russell-Treasurer; Alecia Goldsmith-Secretary. Block Captains: Gayla, Amy, Karen, Josh, Margaert, Kyle, Susan, Malana. Attendees- Master Sergeant Michael Loruse and our Local Dept. 11 Firefighters.
Report of Treasurer: This month Patti Russell reported that the beginning balance of the ZTNA account as of last meeting was $765.71. Several dues were collected and today?’s balance is currently $825.71. She also reports that ZTNA has a 1yr CD at 3,335.46.
Several dues were collected today and will be deposited into account when possible.
Report of Committees:
Committees not selected yet.
Miscellaneous business:
I. Malana Means introduced and reported on GetMovingOKC fundraising opportunity. We as a neighborhood have an opportunity to raise $1000 to $2500. We need 25 volunteers to run or walk 2 miles a day for a designated period of time. For every member that tracks and completes the task, ZTNA earns $100. M. Means reported that paperwork is in progress. Commitment forms were distributed, signed and returned during meeting. Deadline for entry is Monday March 31, 2008.
II. Msgt. M. Loruse spoke about neighborhood safety guidelines and indications on when to use 911 and other local numbers. Handouts with useful numbers were given out.
III. M. Cobb introduced the question, How should we focus or energy and funds as a group? She then handed out note cards for suggestions, ideas and focuses to be calculated. These will be discussed at future meetings.
IV. Discussion time: M. Cobb introduced the question, How often should we meet? No definitive answers we given. Mini strategy meetings were suggested. Erosion control as an issue was introduced. Neighborhood cats were introduced as an issue and a possible committee. Lighting was introduced as a probable focus. It was brought to the members?’ attention that it was due to ZTNA?’s past efforts that kept the park area from becoming commercial property.
I. M. Cobb reported that trashcans are now in the park, after city was asked. She also asked for a pet waste disposal station, nothing to report yet.
II. M. Cobb reported that a testing center is going in on Shartel.
III. Kyle Schauf has been hosting a neighborhood website,, He is interested in posting neighborhood history. If anyone has anything to post or share, please notify him at or 501 NW 51st.
The meeting was closed in due form by the president.
Alecia Goldsmith