Rocky Mountain National Park


This living showcase of the grandeur of the Rocky Mountains, with elevations ranging from 8,000 feet in the wet, grassy valleys to 14,259 feet at the weather-ravaged top of Longs Peak, provides visitors with opportunities for countless breathtaking experiences and adventures.


With five drive-in campgrounds Rocky Mountain National Park provides a variety of camping experiences. Two campgrounds, Moraine Park and Glacier Basin, are on the reservation system. Aspenglen, Longs Peak and Timber Creek campgrounds are on a first-come first-served basis. Backpackers may choose from over 200 backcountry campsites when they apply for their backcountry camping permits.


359 miles of trail offer endless opportunities to hikers, backpackers and horseback riders. Anglers, bird-watchers and photographers discover the splendor that they traveled so far to find. During the winter, snowshoers and cross-country skiers revel in the white-blanketed tranquility of meadows and forests.


Elk, mule deer, moose, bighorn sheep, black bears, coyotes, cougars, eagles, hawks and scores of smaller animals delight wildlife-watchers of all ages. Wildflower-lovers are never disappointed in June and July when the meadows and hillsides are splashed with botanical color. Autumn visitors can relax among the golden aspens or enjoy the rowdier antics of the elk rut (mating season).



Rocky Mountain National Park, for all its grand beauty and sense of wildness, is embedded in a human environment that creates special challenges. Nitrogen deposition, growing elk populations, and fragile ecosystems are major management concerns. Managers need the best scientific information available to juggle these many conflicting interests.


The Continental Divide runs northwest to southeast through the center of the park atop the high peaks. This accounts for two distinct climate patterns - one arid on the east side near Estes Park and the other more humid with almost twice the annual precipitation in the Grand Lake area on the park's west side.

Hours and Seasons

Rocky National Park is open 24 hours a day year round. Visitors can enter or exit at any time. If they are planning to stay overnight, park visitors must be in a designated campground site or a backcountry campsite reserved by a valid permit. From time to time, the Superintendent implements area closures to protect resources. When necessary, Park Rangers will issue court citations to persons violating the terms of a closure.


Automobile: $20 - Valid for seven consecutive days, including date of purchase.

Pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles and mopeds: $10 per person, not to exceed $20 per vehicle. Valid for seven consecutive days including date of purchase. Available at all Rocky Mountain National Park entrance stations.

Rocky Mountain National Park Contact Information

Write to:

Rocky Mountain National Park
1000 Highway 36
Estes Park, Colorado 80517

(970) 586-1206


Source: National Park Service
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