Resources For Seniors

Find available benefits, housing facilities and services for seniors.

Whether you’re a caregiver of an elderly family member, or simply are interested in finding benefits and services available to you, a number of free resources can help you determine eligibility for senior benefit programs, find senior housing in your area, or even compare the quality of hospitals near you. This free tool provided by the National Council on Aging (NCQA) helps seniors determine which federal, state and private benefit programs they are eligible for based on location and finances. Programs cover a number of expenses including health care, transportation, utilities and housing.

You can select to search specific assistance programs, such as food or medications, or you can do a general search of all available programs. You’ll need to know basic information, including the value of your total assets, monthly expenses and monthly income. Search a database of housing facilities in your area—from retirement communities to assisted living to nursing homes—and find contact information as well as photos and reviews, when available. You’ll also find senior move managers, home health agencies, elder law attorneys and more based on your location. Here you’ll find resources and information about plan choices and eligibility as well as covered preventive services. (There’s even a handy Preventive Service Checklist.) And the Resource Locator has a number of links to help you find the right Medicare plan, review service and quality information of health-care facilities, view and print forms, and look up costs for long-term care. Find government resources for seniors for a number of services and programs, from elder rights to estate planning to volunteer programs and much more.

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