Consumer Information Resources

Avoid Scams!
A pre-purchase checklist to avoid problems and make safe purchases
Car Ads: Reading Between the Lines
Ads may help you shop, but finding the best deal requires careful comparisons.
Choosing Utility Providers
How to choose an electric, natural gas, or water provider-you may have a choice.
Clothes Washers
How to save energy using clothes washers and dryers
Comprehensive Consumer Agency Listing Guide
Comprehensive consumer agency listings with descriptions and links.
Computer Safety in the Modern Age
How to keep your computer safe from viruses, spyware, and email hoaxes.
Conventional Storage Water Heaters
How storage water heaters work; what criteria to use when selecting the right model; and some installation, maintenance, and safety tips.
Correcting Fraudulent Information in Credit Reports
Using the Fair Credit Reporting Act to correct fraudulent entries on your credit reports.
EPA Asbestos Guide
Comprehensive EPA guide to asbestos
Energy Saving Dishwashers
How to lower the energy use of a diswasher.
Energy Saving Light Fixtures
Saving energy by using the correct light fixtures in your home.
Holiday Decorating Safety Tips
Safety tips for all types of holiday decorations: trees, indoor and outdoor lights, candles, and fireplaces
How To Choose A Contractor
Tips on choosing a contractor and things to watch out for.
How To Stop Debt Collector Contacts
Info from the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act on how to stop debt collectors from contacting you.
Identity Theft! Avoid It!
U.S. Governmenet guide to ID theft prevention
Preventing Identity Theft
Detailed discussion of how it can happen to you and what to do if it does-many useful links as well.
Safety Recalls
When buying a used vehicle or other second-hand product check to make sure it hasn't been the subject of a product recall-two links to gov't websites.
Safety at Home
Great safety tips for home-how to prevent poisonings, falls, fires, suffocation and other mishaps including keeping your home safe from intruders.
Saving Energy Use by Refrigerators and Freezers
Information and tips on saving energy use of refrigerators and freezers
Selecting a Home Improvement Contractor
How to choose and deal with a contractor when doing home improvements-how to avoid fraud.
Selecting the Right Paints
How to select the right paint for your home or building-a consumer's guide.
Service Contracts: Should You Buy One?
Service contracts and extended warranties: Should you buy them?
Shopping for Energy-Efficient Appliances and Home Electronics
Guidlines and Info on Buying Energy Efficient Appliances and Home Electronics.
Space Heating and Cooling: Saving Energy and Money
Saving money and energy with heating and cooling-links to energy calculators and more.
Winter Readiness
Homeowner Tips for preparing for Winter.
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