Stimulus, Recovery Act - Florida Funding and Jobs


Florida expects to recieve an estimated $13 billion in federal economic stimulus over the next three years. This article outlines how the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will effect Floridians.

How the Federal Economic Stimulus Will Be Allocated in Florida

The federal Recovery Act will invest an estimated $13 billion in various sectors throughout Florida. More funding is possible if Florida's state agencies, local governments, not-for-profits, businesses and schools are successful in competitive grant programs.

Health Care


Florida will receive billions in funds to bolster Medicaid, COBRA, and other Health & Human Services programs.

Health information technology will benefit from grants to support improvements in health information technology systems that will give doctors easier access to patient records.

Clinical and community-based programs with prevention, wellness, and immunization strategies will get investment.



The Recovery Act provides support to local school districts with a one-time appropriation to advance essential education reforms to benefit students from early learning through post-secondary education.

Schools that have high concentrations of students from families that live in poverty will receive assistance in order to reduce the risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards.

Funding will go to support Florida's Early Steps program, Independent Living Services, the School Lunch Program, the Education Through Technology Program, and other education-related programs.



Improvements to Florida's infrastructure range from water projects to highway projects to housing programs.

State wastewater and stormwater projects will receive low-interest loans and funding from the Recovery Act. A portion of the funds will be used to reduce emissions from school buses and trucks.

Preliminary estimates for transportation funding in Florida are $70 million for airport projects, $1.35 billion for highway and bridge projects and $316 million for transit grants. Department of Defense infrastructure and equipment is slated for increased funding for restoration and modernization.

Superfund, brownfield, and leaking underground storage tanks are included for cleanup. Funding for the Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) will be increased to provide decent housing and a suitable living environment and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low- and moderate-income.

Florida is also eligible to apply for billions in competitive funding for surface transportation projects, aviation, and other transit programs.



The economic recovery plan will provide an estimated $19.6 million for adult job training; $43.3 million for summer youth programs; $81.4 million for dislocated worker programs; and $20.6 million for job placement assistance. Most of the funds are distributed to Regional Workforce Boards.

Additional funds are being allocated for community service employment for older Americans, vocational rehabilitation, and salaried positions in the arts that are in jeopardy as a result of the current economic climate.

Tax Relief


The Recovery Act includes an estimated $9.85 million in tax cuts for Florida individuals and businesses with renewable energy tax credits, business extension of bonus appreciation, and net operating loss carry-back, recovery zone, and new market tax credits.

The first-time homebuyer credit is increased to $8,000 for some home purchases made in 2008 and 2009 before Dec. 1.

Safety Net


Florida will receive Recovery Act dollars to sustain and enhance funding for senior nutrition provided in congregate settings and delivered to seniors' homes.

The Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and homeless prevention programs will receive significant additional funding.

Increased funding will also be used for children's services such as foster care, adoption assistance, Head Start programs, and the Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).

Unemployment compensation benefits and workforce support services are also bolstered with additional financing.

Energy & Conservation


Florida is eligible for over $30 million in funds to promote energy efficiency and conservation. Funding from the Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant is specifically targeted at reducing fossil fuel emissions; reducing total energy use; and improving energy efficiency in the transportation, building, and other appropriate sectors.

Florida's State Energy Program (SEP) can receive over $126 million in funds for grants, loans and other incentives to spur investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy for households, businesses, and schools.

Funds will also support the Weatherization Assistance Program to reduce the monthly energy burden of low-income households by improving the energy efficiency of the home.

Other Aid


Local programs and projects can receive funds to repair school facilities, construct fish hatcheries, restore coastal habitats, and help to prevent wildfires.

Programs to stop violence against women, enforce child support, enhance the criminal justice system, and assist victims of crime will receive additional stimulus funding.

Recovery Act Funding and Job Opportunities in Florida

Funding from the federal Recovery Act creates opportunities for state contracts, jobs, and grants. Each of these categories is linked to Florida State programs and departments where you can receive information about for funding or job opportunities.

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Source: State of Florida
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