Couponing Abbreviations


Coupons are often printed on relatively small pieces of paper and abbreviations help to convey lots of information without printing lots of text.

As with most things in life, couponing has its own vernacular. There are phrases, slang, and especially abbreviations that are helpful to know as you use grocery coupons effectively to save money. Couponers use abbreviation as second nature to describe a host of different ideas. The list below will help you become conversant in the language of the thrifty shopper.

Addy - Address

AR - After Rebate

B&M or BM Brick and mortor store (non-internet)

B1G1 or BOGO - Buy one get one free

BPN - Beer Purchase Necessary

BRU - Babies R Us

BTFE - Box Tops For Education

C/O - Cents Off Coupons

CDB - Coupon Data Base

CLFE - Campbell's Labels For Education

CPN - Coupon

CRT - Cash Register Receipt

DC - Double coupon - a coupon that a grocery store doubles in value

DCRT - Dated Cash Register Receipt

DCRTC - Dated Cash Register Receipt With Price Circled

DD - Dumpster Diving

DND - Do Not Double

FAR - Free After Rebate

IP - Internet Printed Coupons

ISO - In Store Only

ISO - In Search Of

IVC - Instant Value Coupon

IVDSO - In Very Desperate Search Of

MFG - Manufacturer

MFR - Manufacturer

MIR - Mail in Rebate

NAZ - Name, Address, Zip Code

NBPN - No Beer Purchase Necessary

NED - No Expiration Date

NWPN - No Wine Purchase Necessary

OAS - On Any Size

OYNSO - On Your Next Shopping Order

P&G - Proctor & Gamble

PM - Could mean Price Match or Private Message

POP - Proof Of Purchase

PPHF - Pay Pal Handling Fee

RAOK - Random Act of Kindness

RC - Rain Check

SP - Stockpile

SS - Sunday supplement coupons

SS - Smart Source

TC - Triple coupon - a coupon that a grocery store triples in value

TP - Tear Pad - A pad of refund/rebate forms found hanging from a store shelf or display.

TMF - Try Me Free

TRU - Toys R Us

UPC - Universal Product Code -AKA- Bar Code

V - Valassis

W - Want

W/L - Wish List

WPN - Wine Purchase Necessary

WSL - While Supplies Last

Wt's - Winetags

WYB - When You Buy

YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary - Means deal might be different depending on where you live.

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