When it comes to shopping for and comparing energy-efficient appliances and home electronics, look for the Energy Guide and ENERGY STAR labels.
Energy Guide Label

The Federal Trade Commission requires Energy Guide labels on most home appliances (except for stove ranges and ovens), but not home electronics, such as computers, televisions, and home audio equipment. Energy Guide labels provide an estimate of the product's energy consumption or energy efficiency. They also show the highest and lowest energy consumption or efficiency estimates of similar appliance models.

ENERGY STAR labels appear on appliances and home electronics that meet strict energy efficiency criteria established by the U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The ENERGY STAR labeling program includes most home electronics and appliances except for water heaters, stove ranges, and ovens.
Learn More
Product Information
- Qualified Products
Federal Government Resources
- Energy & Environment
Federal Trade Commission - Energy Guide
FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection
Related Links
- The Most Energy-Efficient Appliances
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy - Shopping for Energy-Efficient Products
Alliance to Save Energy