Strings, Cords, etc. Can Be Hazardous To Infants


Strings, cords, necklaces, and other items tied around the neck can strangle infants. In recent years, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has received reports of two to three deaths annually to children under two years old who were strangled by strings, cords, ribbons, or necklaces around their necks.

Most of the deaths involved pacifiers tied around the child's neck. Many of the others involved necklaces. Usually, the string, cord, or necklace became caught on some product such as a crib or playpen. In other cases, the string or cord became tightly wrapped or twisted around the child's neck.

  • Never tie pacifiers, necklaces, toys, or other items around a child's neck.
  • Never leave cords of any kind near an infant.
  • Take off bibs or other clothing tied around a child's neck before putting the child in a crib or playpen.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) warns that children can strangle if they become entangled in ribbons or streamers hanging from wall decorations near the crib or within reach of children. CPSC knows of incidents involving young children who became entangled in the ribbons of a wall decoration.The padded fabric wall decoration was hung near the crib where the child could reach the ribbons and streamers on the decoration.

CPSC recommends that parents keep wall decorations with ribbons or streamers away from cribs and well out of reach where children play to prevent entanglement and strangulation.

Source: Consumer Product Safety Commission
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